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Sunday, February 7, 2021

KAVIANS' Lucky Draw 2021 was taken place on the 7th of February 2021 at the OBA building premises with a limited number of guests and committee members under the careful supervision of an experienced audit team. 

 The raffle draw was initiated by KVOBA-2020 as a fundraising project, in-aid of School Development Fund. We are truly grateful for all our sponsorship partners and everyone who helped in every little way to successfully complete the final event under the timeline of the committee of KVOBA-2020. Our heartful congratulations to all the lucky winners.

Monday, January 25, 2021

The first project for 2021, the 80th anniversary year was successfully accomplished by the KVOBA 2020. The newly constructed Primary School Access Road including a CCTV camera system was declared to open today, on the 25th of January 2020 by the honorable principal Mr Harshana Peiris, Chairman of Kalutara Pradeshiya Sabha Mr Sanjeewa Ariyarathne & the president of KVOBA Mr Aruna Piyaratne.

A limited number of guests were participated along with the executive members of KVOBA to this joyous occasion adhering to the Covid-19 protocols. This newly built facility has added a new color to the school premises and we are grateful to everyone who joined hands to share this glorious moment.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The first remark for the 80th-anniversary celebrations of Kalutara Vidyalaya was kept at the school auditorium today, on the 13th of January 2021 with the presence of honorable principal Mr. Harshana Peiris along with a limited number of participants, adhering to Covid-19 protocols. 

We again wish our alma mater a happy 80th birthday. May you keep shinning & get strength & courage to continue your precious legacy infinitely. 80 years of grooming boys to prominence…. 

80 years of endless strive towards excellence.. "Let the celebrations begin, let's make it a year to remember"

කලුතර විද්‍යයාලීය 80 වැනි සංවත්සරය සැමරීමේ ප්‍රථම උත්සවය පාසල් ශ්‍රවණාගාරයේ දී 2021 ජනවාරි 13 වන දින ගෞරවනීය විදුහල්පති හර්ෂන පීරිස් මහතා සහ සීමිත පිරිසක් සහභාගී වෙමින් පවත්වන ලදී. . වසර 80 ක ඉතිහාසය, විශිෂ්ටත්වයෙන් ඉදිරියට පා නගුමට දරන උත්සහයයි මේ.. "සැමරුම් ආරම්භ කරමු, එය මතකයේ රැදෙන වසරක් කරමු"


Friday, December 4, 2020

We are thrilled to announce the commencement of the next project of KVOBA 2020; Construction of the road to the primary school gate and installation of a CCTV camera system at the gate.

The initial step for the project was kept yesterday, on the 3rd of December with the presence of few members of the committee, an honorable principal, and two construction partners adhering to the covid-19 protocols.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

As we are again facing a challenging and uncertain time period with the Covid outbreak, we are finding it difficult to execute our event calendar as planned. But as one team we will be trying our best to serve our alma mater staying within all the safety limits with extra caution. 

Monday, October 5, 2020

"අපි කතා කරමු" a friendly gathering of the old boys of Kalutara Vidyalaya was held on the 3rd of October 2020, in order to discuss and take valuable suggestions regarding the 80th anniversary celebrations in 2021. 
One of the main events took place on the day was launching the raffle draw ticket which is a fundraiser organized by the KVOBA in aid of 'School Development Fund". 
The raffle draw will be taking place on the 9th of January 2021. 
The official 80th anniversary song and the logo were launched on the day. The 80th anniversary celebrations will be organized based on the "go green" concept being eco-friendly. .
 By keeping the first step for "go green" concept all participants on the day were kept their signature online for the "නෙත් පරිසර දිවුරුම" organized by Neth FM. The media partners of the day were Siyatha, Derana,Swarnawahini, Hiru and Supreme TV. The committee of KVOBA-2020 would like to thank everyone who came to join hands with us on the day and we hope to have everyone with us in celebrating 80 years excellence of our alma mater, Kalutara Vidyalaya in 2021.